Sixteen years after the launch of the Child's Play franchise, and six years after the last installment, comes Seed of Chucky, the fifth film of the slasher doll series. Focus Features' Rogue Pictures unit, which is taking over for parent Universal which released the other four flicks, aims to tap into the lucrative horror crowd which has been spending feverishly on fright flicks all season. Over the last two months, grosses for Resident Evil: Apocalypse, The Forgotten, The Grudge, and Saw have amounted to a staggering $245M to date. Have fans had enough, or do they want more? In Seed, Chucky and wife Tiffany add a baby boy to their killing spree. Focus is not screening the film for critics which makes financial sense. Why waste the money and the time on a film sure to be trashed by critics anyway? Plus horror fans could care less about what reviewers have to say so the box office impact will be minimal. The R-rated sequel will appeal to the usual genre crowd but will have to face competition from both The Grudge and Saw which have both been holding their own at the turnstiles. Opening in over 2,000 theaters, Seed of Chucky could slice up around $9M this weekend.